Sunday, August 7, 2011

A new year!

So a friend's post inspired me to attempt a post a day for 365 days.  Oddly enough, by last post was just a little more than one year ago today.  So here it goes....

#1 August 7, 2011
Max and Calli have attended "Music Week" at their school and tonight was their concert.  They were in the front row and sang every word to every song (and there were 9 songs).  They followed directions and acted like such well behaved little angels.  Craig and I were so proud of them!

So just to catch up on some highlights since the last post in Aug 2010.  The kids are now 4 and are so big, they think they can do anything!!!  They are preparing to start 4 year old preschool in the fall 3 days a week.  They are both swimming short distances without any floaties, which makes mommy really nervous.  Max likes to dive for toys and Calli likes to play with her princess' and dogs.  Max got his tonsils and adenoids out in May.  He had a good recovery and has been well ever since!!!  We went to Destin for Spring Break with the Hanke's and had a great time.  Max and Will (cousin) got to play t-ball on the same team~The Rays.  They both did really well at learning the game.  Looking forward to fall ball which is right around the corner.  Calli wasn't interested in tball, so she was given some choices of activities and has chosen dance.  She went to a "practice" session to make sure she really would do it.  She did awesome.  She went right into the class and did everything the teacher said.  Since she has dressed in her dance dress and shoes just about every day.  Max wants to dance too, but for now, he only gets to dance at home.  I want Calli to have her opportunity to do something that she wants to do without her big brother to be her comfort item.  Well, I'm sure I forgot something, but don't worry, there will be more to come!!!    

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